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Zapraszamy na seminarium 20.06.2023

Dear All,


We have the pleasure to invite you to the Particle Theory Seminar on Tuesday, June 20  at 12:15, which will be given by


Kiminad Mamo (Argonne National Laboratory)




„Quark and gluon GPDs at finite skewness from strings in holographic QCD“.




In this talk, we present a comprehensive framework for constructing Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs) by employing holographic QCD in the context of the large Nc limit. The emphasis is on the low-x and finite skewness regimes. Our methodology involves using t-channel string exchanges in soft-wall AdS to extract the spin-j conformal (Gegenbauer) moments of GPDs from the holographic amplitudes associated with exclusive electroproduction processes. These moments are then evolved to higher resolution scales using QCD evolution equations. We demonstrate the applicability of our evolved GPDs (reconstructed from their evolved conformal moments) in the analysis of electroproduction involving neutral rho, phi,and charged rho mesons. Non-perturbative contributions in the s+u channel are also accounted for using holographic QCD, and our findings show good agreement with existing experimental data. Our GPDs offer valuable insights into partonic distributions and serve as a useful resource for future experimental investigations and global data analyses.


The seminar will be in a hybrid mode, local people are invited to meet in the seminar room D-2-02.

Piotr Korcyl, Jacek Wosiek, Michał Praszałowicz